Monday, December 19, 2016

Clear the Bridge

An emergency situation has arisen. As of now, December 19, 2016, 2100 hours, I am assuming sole command of this blog.

Those who have contributed to this blog in the past know that I am a tolerant proprietor. I have spiked exactly one post and deleted exactly one comment. Don't advocate torture and don't make fun of my kids, respectively, and we'll have no trouble. The time has come, however, for me to take sole responsibility for the voice and outlook of this little corner of the Internet, and so I am taking this step.

I want to thank the members of the masthead for their contributions over the past eleven years. I am pleased (more or less) to report that no posts have been harmed in the elimination of this blog's collective nature. Further, should any of you wish to contribute pieces in future, email them to me and I will post them if I consider them appropriate. As has always been the case, those who wish their voices heard without prior approval are free to do so.

There will be no change in commenting policy. All are welcome to contribute their voices to the discussion. Frankly, some of them have been better than my own writing (looking at you, JCC).

Concluding paragraphs have never been my strong suit, so in conclusion, America is a land of contrasts.