Saturday, January 12, 2008

Downward Snark?

Laura has begun taking yoga classes at a studio where the heat and humidity are set to sauna levels. In the Would Never Have Guessed Department, the place is run by the "staff photographer" for Wonkette. I suppose that would explain the "bendy" references her blogging colleagues have used.


jjv said...

I have a small world story about this. I tried to post it earlier but it did not work. I will try again.

Some years ago Christopher Hitchens organized a rally in support of Denmark during the Muhamed cartoon crisis. Always looking for an opportunity to oppose the Islamicists, support the free Monarchial nations, and perhaps get drunk with Hitchens, I attended. Hitch, Andrew Sullivan,l Tony Blankley and Chris May were there and it was a great event. In fact, I think I blogged it here but have no way to search this thing.

In any event, my trained eye soon spotted a cowboy boot, tight jean wearing, red-headed stunner sashaying (really!) along to take pictures with an old-style camera. Being the inquiring sort I asked what she was doing and she said she was taking pictures for a blog called wonkette. I expressed familiarity with it. I think I later posted pictures of hers.

Her name is Liz Gorman and blogs here:

My assesment of her comparative pulchritude can be partially judged here: and here: (bottom picture)

If, as this post implies she is also physically flexible, and still single, I weep for the men of that generation.

The lesson here is that if you don't take the opportunity to oppose the islamofascists at every turn, drink with atheists and neocons and support Danes, red-headed sashayers will lose income opportunities and have to go into renting out studios for yoga.

(yes I know its probably a different photographer but I submit the story anyway).

Dave S. said...

"...perhaps get drunk with Hitchens."

That may be the single funniest thing you have ever written.

jjv said...

Actually, to be drunk in one of those war zone bars with Hitch and P.J. O'Rourke would be my choice if I was a dying kid and the "Make A Wish Foundation" came calling.