Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Never Tell Me the Odds!

Among the paperbacks I can not part with are many by David Gemmel. The author has always appealed to me ever since I read "Legend" at, I believe, the suggestion of CRH. (That may have been another book called "Against the Horde" which I similiarly enjoyed). The piece I link to in the WSJ above nicely encapsulates the fellow's work and I was fascinated to see that the author of The Dangerous Book for Boys, is also a fan.

In these books there is always a powerful hero usually of the "I don't stick my neck out for nobody" sort, a villain with overwhelming force and numbers behind him and, an impossible task to accomplish. He did a good King Arthur series as well as his own worlds and times. Now he has taken on Troy. I must pick it up.

I not only think these books would be fun movies but also a decent board game.

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