Friday, July 25, 2008

Crusader-Gotham meets Midland.

Lietzy really hit a meme with his the Dark Shrub post. Writers from the New Republic, and here the Wall Street Journal, think this movie redounds with the values of the current war, and Batman is Bush. I guess Commissioner Gordon is Tony Blair. I have yet to see the movie but it does seem to have hit a nerve in the Zeitgeist. No movie does as well as this one does without touching on something big in the current culture.

As I said, I have not seen the picture but now I must. To the Batpoles!


Dave S. said...

That is easily one of the most asinine things I have read outside of this blog, and that is saying a lot.

This is my last posting from DC. I am looking forward to canceling out your vote in November, JJV.

EMM said...

Most go to the movies to be entertained, not for the hidden agendas. Of course, the additional hype due to HL's death added to the intrigue. His performance was phenomenal and the movie was better because of him. Although Dark Knight was entertaining, I liked Batman Begins better. Clowns are creepy...

jjv said...

Dave's comment is anticipated by Jonathan Last.

Anonymous said...


Um, JJV, Dave's comment was that the posting was asinine. He did not express lefty outrage at the movie, as the blogger in your link anticipated. Unless you are arguing that Jonathan Last anticipated that Dave would call your posting asinine. Which is really hard to see from the text of the link.


Dave S. said...

I think Mr. Last anticipated a backlash against the WSJ piece, but you don't have to be Nostradamus to have seen that one coming. It was more like sticking a fork into an electrical outlet than tapping into the zeitgeist.

This obsessive mining of the culture for bits of ideological affinity is no more attractive coming from the right than it is from the left, and I wonder continually at the unconcealed, indeed proud, eagerness of people to be given the proper cues and talking points for application to the wider world.

Grow up already. Think for yourselves.