Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Little Bolsh Coup

The New Yorker magazine cover is causing a stir for satirizing various smeers of Obama (most road tested by the Hillary Clinton campaign but curiously ascribed to the Right). Obamites are outraged at the cover. Georgetown University students however have found a host of rejected covers. My favorite is the Commie Pinstriping photo.

In related news the New York Times has printed a story quoting various comedy writers, including one I know, on how hard it is to make fun of Obama. This is nonsense. It is easy to make fun of Obama. Its only hard if you are in love with him and are a white, liberal, Ivy educated Jewish guy. Most of these adjectives cover most of those writing for comedy shows. That is why they can't come up with jokes about a guy who spent 20 years hanging out with Rev. Wright, was good friends with a Pentagon bomber, voted the most liberal of any Senator, indicated his belief we have 57 states, and has changed every major position in the month since he won the nomination but is running against cynicism.

I have a couple.

Two terrorists walk into a bar. One says, "I'm voting for Obama." The other says "You wouldn't say that if you knew him as well as I do."

Jesse Jackson says he wants to cut Obama's nuts off, and Hillary supporters still wonder if he has any.

Obama says he wants to bring America the same Hope and Change that the Mayor Daley brought to Chicago.


Dave S. said...

So where are the jokes you promised?

J. said...

I was going to write "stick to your day job, JJV," but I think Dave S.'s comment does the job nicely.

I say, stick to the McCain jokes, like: "According to the Washington Post, Barack Obama and actress Scarlett Johansson are email buddies. Apparently they email each other back and forth. So, you've got a 23-year-old gorgeous, blonde actress emailing a married presidential candidate. Well, what could go wrong there? Not to be outdone today, John McCain admitted he had been exchanging flirty emails with Angela Lansbury." --Jay Leno

Anonymous said...

Oh wait. Just came across this Obama joke, supplied by Andy Borowitz (and included in Maureen Dowd's column from today's NYT):
“A traveling salesman knocks on the door of a farmhouse, and much to his surprise, Barack Obama answers the door. The salesman says, ‘I was expecting the farmer’s daughter.’ Barack Obama replies, ‘She’s not here. The farm was foreclosed on because of subprime loans that are making a mockery of the American dream.’ ”

jjv said...

Everyone's a critic. I still think the second one is hilarious. The others have no defense.