Thursday, August 21, 2008

And I Thought G.H.W. Bush Not Knowing the Cost of a Gallon of Milk was Bad

How in the world can anyone not know how many homes he/she owns? I mean, we aren't talking about neckties, cuff links, or baseball cards here -- we are talking about real property in which you have presumably resided for some period of time, or for which you are collecting rental income. And we also aren't talking about someone who owns multiple properties as their principal source of income.

Oh, I know, I know, he didn't want to misspeak and under report the number of homes he had, so he just deferred the question lest the Democrats hang that gaffe around his neck. It's those pesky condos, don't you know, and those darn pernicious Democrats are just so mean. However, who is so stupidly rich and out of touch that there would even be the possibility that you could misspeak in answering that question?

It certainly seems to ask the question: John McCain -- senile old man, or stupidly rich out of touch jerk?


jjv said...

That was quick. The Democratic talking points immedietely placed by Lietzy. McCain's houses were bought by Cindy. Obama's house was bought by convicted felon and fraudster Tony Rezko. I think Obama has walked into a buzz saw.

jjv said...

I also note this at instapundit:

I TOLD YOU THAT IT WAS A BAD IDEA for Obama to bring up houses again. "Does a guy who made more than $4 million last year, just got back from vacation on a private beach in Hawaii and bought his own million-dollar mansion with the help of a convicted felon really want to get into a debate about houses?"

Plus, more Rezko reminiscences. "On June 15, 2005, Obama bought a gorgeous house in Hyde Park for $1.65 million - $300,000 below the list price. Rezko bought the empty but attractive lot next door from the same seller at the same time; Obama would later buy part of Rezko's lot, overpaying him. The transaction was shady, but not obviously corrupt. The overall Obama-Rezko relationship looks worse." And now the McCain people have an excuse to bring it up.

But wait, there's more:

Obama is more vulnerable on this stuff than he thinks. Not only because of Rezko but because of Jim Johnson, his former go-to-guy on veeps who was instrumental to the mortgage crisis we have today as Chairman of Fannie Mae.


posted at 04:13 PM by Glenn Reynolds

CRH said...

Weak stuff, JJV. McCain's already saturated the airways with the vacation bit, and throwing it again is only to get the interest of the frothing wingers. As for the Rezco stuff, Hilary pounded on it in the primaries, and it had no traction--primarily because while on the surface it looks fishy, there's really nothing there. McCain has a lot more skeletons in his closet than Obama.

Fact is, one of McCain's themes has been that Obama is wealthy and elitist, and forgetting how many houses he owns makes that whole line look pretty dumb. Unless you think it will strike a chord with all those American guys whose wives go out and buy new homes without telling them? I think I know just how McCain can refer to Cindy in telling the story.

Lietzy said...

Yeah, yeah, Cindy did it. And the dog ate my homework. Of course, of course.

JJV, you know full well that in order to buy a house jointly requires both parties to sign a number of documents at the closing (or at the very least, a power of attorney must be executed to give the spouse legal authority to sign on the absent spouse's behalf). So you're telling me that: a) McCain remembers none of the closings, or; b) doesn't recall executing power of attorney for said closings on real estate valued in excess of $17 million? And you're further asserting that McCain "owns" homes that his wife purchased wholly unbeknownst to him, homes that he has apparently never visited or stayed in, homes which have never been spoken of in the course of his marriage, and of which he has absolutely no knowledge?

Most importantly, you're telling me that you, Mr. Retrosexual, are going to cast your vote for a guy who is apparently that emasculated by his wife?

jjv said...

I have now looked at the tape. It is clear that McCain did not want to commit himself because they have some properties as investments and his uncertainty as whether to call "condominiums" houses. I welcome a full analysis of each Senators' housing situation. The Rezko thing helped Hillary. It will not work on its own but combined with Obama supporting the Daley machine, hiding his connections with Ayers by a cover up of materials in a public library and his interesting choice of Chicago pastors, the City of Big Shoulders is going to make sure the shine comes off his claims of "change" and "reform." There is no dirtier word to a Chicago pol than "reform." Further, the party of John Kerry is going to have a hard time with he "His wife's too rich" attack. Finally, Americans aren't Marxists. We don't dislike the rich. Cultural elitism not plutocratic wealth is what is disdained here. People love Warren Buffett, Donald Trump, Bill Gates,and the like. Guys who think joining the weather underground is no big deal? Not so much.

The last and most beautiful factor in all this is that when Obama goes on this kind of attack it undercuts one of the reasons all the "youth" turned out for him. As it becomes a campaign over whose richer and has a better house and who is more corrupt obama will have a harder time getting the marginal, starry-eyed under 30 voter to turn out. This fight injures Obama merely because it is going on no matter who has the better argument.

J. said...

Boys, get a room, please. Or one of you challenge the other to a duel.

As to Lietzy's question: "John McCain -- senile old man, or stupidly rich out of touch jerk?" The answer, of course, is c) Both.

Btw, I don't need to go to JJV's bar to get me some Fat Tire. No sirree. Got me a bar-ful of my own. : )

EMM said...

Lietzy - you told me recently that home ownership is over rated. Maybe McCain thinks the same and decided to let his wife handle it.

I'm sure you were not being sexist in your remarks about my future home purchase (you know, since I should only be voting with my ovaries for abortion rights).

Do you think the US should enforce mandatory retirement? At what age should people not be able to work, run for office, keep their appointments, etc.? Are all "old" people senile? Perhaps I'm a little biased based on my history w/ "old" military retirees.

(J - congrats on the FT - cheers!)

Anonymous said...

I've already made my decision. I'm voting for Obama because he said he give me $1,000 if I did.

Dave P.

Dave S. said...

The confusion between "condominium" and "house" is perfectly understandable. In our previous residence the keys would work only if referred to as "condo keys" and I remember being assessed an additional $750 at closing for referring to the property as a "house."

Of course, as a former POW (anyone mention that yet?) turned Senator, I suspect that John Sidney McCain III has people to refer to keys for him.