Monday, December 29, 2008

Right-Wingers for Kennedy!

I whole heartedly agree with Tunku Varjadaran. Caroline Kennedy is imploding as a Senate (appointive) candidate because she is a bit of a dilettante, has never been in a tight spot in her life, and the long knives of New York Democratic politics are out for her. Top that off with the fact that Sarah Palin gave better interviews, had more operative experience and has done more with less in her life than Sweet Caroline and you have a full on blog Tsunami against Jack's little girl.

In fact, of all the people on the Governor of NY's short list she is the least likely to be offensive, grasping and vile. She has never been in a scandal. Never done anything to befoul the Kennedy name, like almost every male Kennedy extant. She is a conventional liberal matron of money and breeding without an original or controversial (to Manhattan) idea in her head.

It is important to note that our Constitution is a "mixed" system. It is not wholly Democratic and preserves some room for hereditary and other non-"meriocratic" systems of excellance. Caroline Kennedy has been in the public eye for all of her life. She will have the support of the most effective creator of legislation (for ill-mostly) in the Senate. She is not a pushy, annoying carbuncle like Andrew Cuomo or just about anyone in the NY delegation. I expect any Democrat is unbeatable in NY in 2010. Peter King, whose support is heavily Irish will run for the Republicans in that year. Much as I love him, King will not take enough of the Hibernian vote against Caroline to make a diference.

She is, you know, the best NY can hope for.

Update: A state brimming with Roosevelts, Schuylers, Clintons (both in the colonial/revolutionary period and now); Rockefellers; Kennedys, Cuomos, and even Pattersons (son of state senator) can not with a straight face be against dynastic politics (and we are the Empire State!).


EMM said...

In my HS political science class, I was elected Majority Leader as Ted Kennedy. The Irish Catholic Nun's favorite (senator and student)!

Maybe I should move back home to NY (upstate raised and educated) to be the Jr. Senator from NY.

Top Ten Reasons I Could Win:

1) Hibernian vote (Erin go Bragh!)
2) Was a fake Senator Kennedy
3) I'm neither vile nor scandalous
4) Am an independent
5) Degree in Economics
6) I read books AND magazines
7) I'd wear stilettos on the campaign trail.
8) Cupcakes for the Senate Floor!
9) Have been accused of being an elitist snob (the nerve of some people!).
10) P4500 Speechwriters!


Dave S. said...

EMM leaves off the best reason for her candidacy: her unimpeachable upstateness. Wonder why Slaughter isn't being mentioned much; I think she would be great although I suspect she falls below JJV's vileness threshold (or crossses it, depending on how that works).

And is the state really brimming with Kennedys? Man, they let anyone in these days.

Anonymous said...

EMM, forget the cupcakes and go honey baked ham. I promise I won't break a beer bottle...

Really, like, you know, the worst reason to appoint this, you know, Kennedy, to, like, you know, the seat, is, you know, her speaking ability. I'd just, you know, assume listen to a shrub for another 4 years ...

Anonymous said...

Cupcakes and stilettos! What more could anyone ask for.

Bill C.