The Washington Post has been going through a rough patch lately, what with the relatively inexplicable firing of Dan Froomkin (especially compared with the astronomically more inexplicable retention of Charles Krauthammer) followed up by last week's revelation that the paper was going to charge for "salons" consisting of off-the-record confabs among power brokers and including members of the paper's news staff.
And now this.
The Post's Pet Tricks Video Contest has bounced Matilda, an impossibly cute eight-week-old Corgi preying on an unsuspecting ice cube, from the competition with a highly suspicious Honorable Mention. You tell me, after sitting through some ad or other, that this isn't Grand Prize material:
The others, all admittedly cute but really not as cute as Matilda, may be found here (may have to sign in, watch ads, attend salon).
That's another five (more) minutes I'll never get back.
The contest is titled "Best Pet Tricks," not "Cutest Pet," Dave S. And from the few videos I was able to watch, the other contestants (Paige, Brownie, Ginny, etc.) had it all over Matilda, at least in the cleverness category. Though I will admit that none of them were as cute as Matilda.
However, far more entertaining would have been to see and vote on Washington Post columnists and/or reporters doing tricks. Maybe next year.
Krauthammer is a genius and a one man wrecking crew against Obama. He draws eyeballs to the Post and keeps its reputation as the most read op-ed page in the country. The NY Times says it is but since Meg Greenfield serious people read the Post's.
Thank God for the Peeps!!!
The Peeps Contest! OMG, how could I forget? The Washington Post IS the greatest paper!
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