Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fortune Favors the Told

I hate to poach from JWT on this as it takes place in his beloved Bethesda, where a fortune teller fights to legitimize his business. However, I sensed he would not take umbrage; I'm empathic like that.

While fraud is a serious issue and should be dealt with to the extent possible, fortune telling does not meet the definition. If it did, there would be a spectacular series of class-action suits filed against stock-issuing companies, although maybe they would counter with the Evil Eye or something.

I digress. My main point here is that I get to close this post with a Sparks video.


jjv said...

Fraud requires "reasonable reliance." This is "unreasonable reliance." Maryland, particularly Bethesda and Montgomery County are the most nanny-state places in the Country. While I think states have traditionally had the right to ban sooth-saying and am disinclined to invent new rights I do not understand a place like Montgomery County where endless harrasment of the citizenry is public policy.

rod said...

Is that Blago in the silver jacket?

Dave S. said...

JJV, I'm with you. It's getting to where a man can't throw eggs from his balcony anymore.

And Rod, I think you may be on to something, or perhaps simply on something.

J. said...

Before you cast aspersions on either Rod, check this out. (Really, it is only a matter of time before Blago dances with the stars.)

EMM said...

That sparkly jacket will be seen this season on DWTS. Ugh...keep Blago at his corporate appearances and off ov my TV!

JWT said...

I don't love Maryland so much as pay them taxes to take my kids into their fully adequate public schools. While we haven't cornered the market on dumb laws (you Virginians calling the kettle black!), I note that we're losing our beloved roadside vegetable stands on safety grounds. Strangely, the same stands would be safe enough if they hawked shell fish.