Saturday, October 03, 2009

Addition to the Blogroll Lineup

A college friend's son has a nice-looking blog whose only drawback is that it's all about the Mets. Nevertheless, check out Mets Rumors, to be found under "Dave's Faves" from this day forth.

Blog ball!


J. said...

Drawback?! (Btw, I believe there are still only two "a"s in drawback, not three ; ) Thank you for bringing this very important blog to my attention. Go Mets! (Who won again last night!)

Dave S. said...

Oops, thanks J. Noted and corrected. Nats up to 5 in a row!

noahmets said...

Thank you so much for putting a link to my blog. Though I think you should like the Mets. I will put a link from my blog to yours also.

Dave S. said...

Noah, thanks for the cross-link!

My NL team is the Nats and my AL team is the Red Sox, so no Mets for me. The rest of this blog's masthead is mostly Yankees or Red Sox supporters, so it's kind of a rough neighborhood for your team...

J. said...

Over at J-TWO-O we are very Mets friendly, Noah. : ) We also think Minaya and Manuel should be canned -- and that the Mets should bring back Bobby V.

noahmets said...


can you make a link to my blog on your blog? I need more viewers on my blog so I am trying to get blogs to link to my blog.

Thanks for the support,

J. said...

Done, Noah! Now please to be returning the favor. : )

(So Dave, do we now need to rename this blog Pimping for $500? ; )

Dave S. said...

It's hard out there for a Bills fan...