Yes, there will be a quiz. (Hint: the answer to question 5 is either the Battle of Lepanto or "True: 'It is a skirt with a grudge' is the best sentence in the article or indeed in any of the past ten things I have read anywhere.")
Meanwhile, here is another piece on the issue from a marketing/intellectual property perspective, with the extra added bonus of the guy's lawyer showing up in the comment thread.
But to return to this post's title, I think it would be pretty obvious to any Turkish person that this guy is not Turkish:

To be fair, the last direct contact Sweden had with Turkey was when Charles XII fled there.
On the other hand, if I were to start my own line of Turkish yogurt, I would slap this on the outside tout suite:

For the record, I would like to state that I mean no insult to Ataturk as I would prefer not to be blocked from web surfers in Turkey.
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