Saturday, March 08, 2025

Fedex Day 2024: Structures!

In my previous Fedex Day post I mentioned my goal of getting the 2024 presentation over to my home computer. That didn't quite work out so in the interest of time I'll provide a quick description and some pictures.

For 2024 I addressed a common problem for modelers: a structure kit bin filled with unbuilt structures. Moreover, I actually had spots on the layout for a number of these, which is a bit unusual for me since the configuration of the layout results in a relatively small amount of space for buildings. As is often the case I hadn't had the time to get these built and positioned, but Fedex Day once more provided a great opportunity for getting a lot of work done at once.

So, I pulled out seven kits:

RIP John Hitzeman and American Model Builders
And I got to work, using an inverse stationary assembly line approach in which I moved from spot to spot, painting, gluing, painting some more, really a lot of painting:

At least I got to sit down most of the time
The kits ran the gamut of style and material, from plastic, to laser-cut wood, to semi-"craftsman" style where the wood trim comes in stock lengths and you cut sections as needed per the instructions.

I made pretty good progress but I think I only completed one structure in the 24-hour period (lower right in the next picture). However, shortly afterwards I was able to complete them all:

Just realized this looks like a really odd take on a suburban cul-de-sac
One of my favorites is the "downtown business" type building, common to a lot of small towns including the one where I grew up. Each wall is a single casting so I took a tiny brush and a deep breath (repeatedly) and ended up with this:

Not too shabby if I must say
Now of course I need to build the roads connecting them and complete the scenery around them so they blend in with the surroundings. One project leads to another!

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