Tuesday, March 18, 2025

"Judge X has made their decision; now let them enforce it"

First of all, is every single goddamn famous quote apocryphal?!

More to the point, I am shocked - shocked! - that the Republicans are poised to ignore rulings that might interfere with their systematic destruction of the United States of America.

"Ricky, I must say I did not see that coming, oh who are we kidding"

Even Dr. Frankenstein John Roberts felt obliged to join the kayfabe. I expect Roberts and Barrett will trade off being Murkowski/Collins in the coming series of 5-4 decisions that ring down the curtain on our constitutional republic.

The leitmotif of all my responses to those expressions of "gosh we didn't vote for this" is WHAT ELSE DID YOU EXPECT HE AND HIS PALS LAID IT ALL OUT IN PLAIN SIGHT. We also had his previous four crime-ridden years to consider, with the response of just enough people being some combination of Eggs are Expensive and Eww It's Those People. Enough of the electorate also felt the appropriate way to punish Biden/Harris for their frankly criminal stance on Gaza was to... vote for the guy who thought we weren't letting Israel make the rubble bounce high enough.

49.8% of the voters fucked around (or worse, voted FOR it), but we are all finding out. As our wet President might put it, "Very Unfair!"

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