Hi, I'm back, did you miss me? Aww, that's sweet.
For the first week back on the blog I got in the habit of writing between the end of my work day and the beginning of dinner prep if I am cooking, or dinner eating if Laura is cooking. Yesterday work stretched out a bit longer than usual, and for dinner I was making Michael Ruhlman's super easy, super delicious tomato sauce, as found in Ruhlman's Twenty, which Laura got me for Christmas a few years back. I've barely scratched the surface of the recipes but there have been no duds so far. When I made his French onion soup via all-day onion caramelizing (my fault, not the books; I take "low and slow" SERIOUSLY) for the first time, a taste test near the end revealed a restaurant-quality dish.
Anyway, the recipe does take some simmering so time constraints kept me away from the keyboard, not to mention being worn from a long day of uncertainty as the administration of convicted felon Donald Trump inches closer to our livelihoods from any number of directions.
Like our country circling the drain, I keep coming back to a main theme screaming in my head:
We all know people who wanted this and are thrilled at the disruption and chaos. Take that, government! No matter that here and abroad careers and livelihoods are wrecked, economies cratered, authoritarians emboldened, and sickness and death multiplied. They either didn't realize the extent of the ongoing American Carnage (turned out to be a campaign platform as opposed to a problem statement) or don't care, or wanted all of the above. That last category are sociopathic assholes, by the way, lest there be any confusion on the matter.
At the very least they're OK with all of this as long as it gets their policy preferences enacted, directly through the destruction of government regulations and functionality and/or indirectly through the larding of the judiciary with reactionary Catholics that will rubber-stamp whatever CVDT* wants under the guise of "originalism". (Lest this be seen as an anti-Papist screed I am pretty sure these folks think the current Bishop of Rome is the Whore of Babylon.)
We have to remember that abolishing the Department of Education, ending touchy-feely foreign aid and shredding any kind of regulatory authority has been the GOP platform since basically forever. They said they were going to do this and people either didn't believe it or were on board with it.
And to be clear, the way they are going about fulfilling the longstanding promise of the GOP is via the most destructive path possible, one that ignores quaint niceties like "norms" and "processes" and "the Constitution." We are not coming back from this, by which I mean that if we defeat these bastards we will find ourselves in need of a new (waves arms) everything to manage the end of the First American Experiment.
OK, enough for now. Back sometime with a post for which I have the title and ending but need to figure out the middle part.
*finally got tired of typing that out
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