Saturday, March 01, 2025

Ripping off the Band-Aid

It was really only a matter of time before the Republicans made it official that we are now a Russian client state; not whether, but when. At some point they were going to have to Come Out and Say It no matter how screamingly obvious it was going to be, no matter how for long we have known it was going to happen (in this case since fall 2016 at the latest). We also knew that the combination of subject matter and parties involved would result in something transcendingly horrific.

Turns out that point was February 28, 2025. You can't say they didn't deliver. Having TASS "accidentally" present was a nice touch.

I have seen enough still pics of the event and read enough transcripts to get a sense of what happened. I have no plans to watch any video as I would see or hear nothing unexpected from the Republicans, just more of the same profoundly damaged, intellect-bereft kayfabe.

But I will take a moment to pile on to this rising star, this eminent member of the new generation of GOP (Gang of Putin) leaders followers:

All sorts of comparison to canines on this list but dogs at least have the benefit of being good.

I have heard rumors of members of the conservative intelligentsia being "upset" by these latest completely unpredictable developments. Wondering where they land on this:

Show me on your offshore bank account where the Russians touched you

Oh and I see laudable demonstrations of support for Ukraine on Facebook, but I also see it on the pages of folks who I know did not vote for Harris (reminder to Find Yourself Here; I think I will add this to the righthand column). They have no business posting that and they have my profound contempt.

That'll tell 'em. Which, by the way, seems to be MAGA's interpretation of the Republicans' treatment of Zelenskyy*.

*Transliteration of the various versions of Cyrillic has always been contentious and politically influenced. This is how it appears on his X account (I know, I know).

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