Saturday, April 15, 2006

Where is Dave?

Ok, the last post by Mr. Slattery was on April 4, 2006. I understand there are home renovations going on at Casa Slattery but come on! Somebody has to fix the urls, Lord knows I can't seem to do it. Please chime in with sightings if anyone has run across him. I know for a fact that he does not pay his taxes and so this cannot be diverting him from blogging. Now we will see if the IRS is into "data mining."

Until he gets back, the Washington Post has an interesting article on another D.C. area based blogger. I never blog angry and my wife doesn't let me smoke in the house....,I mean, we have an arrangement whereby I have deigned not to smoke in the house. Also, non-alcoholic beer has not been a staple in my life. Still the pure gem like flame of rage at deposing two evil regimes, under 5% unemployment, record home ownership, and no terrorist attacks on American soil in 5 years is riveting and you should go here. I note the "Rude Pundit" figures prominently in this article and he can be found on Dave's blogroll to your right.

Now if that doesn't draw adult supervision I don't know what will.

Update by Dave S. 4/17/2006: Hey, don't forget the spiraling deficits, ballooning of the federal government and rampant cronyism! Good times.


Mike said...

I believe I saw him out in a field attempting to return dirigible aircraft to their original hydrogren-filled state, despite all safety evidence to the contrary.

Well, it was either Dave or Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin VI.

Anonymous said...

Is the "Dave" mentioned in the article the same Dave as our benefactor? If so, maybe he has another kind of audit to worry about--one that inventories his person with a rubber glove.