Friday, September 08, 2006

James T. Kirk-New Frontiersman

It is the 40th anniversary of the first showing of Star Trek. My dad watched it with me but I was too young to remember any but the third season originally broad cast. Luckily WPIX (channel 11 in NY) ran it incessantly in reruns in the 70's. What is interesting here is this liberal British weenie hates exactly what I like about the original Star Trek. The hero never listens to the the U.N. or the pettifogging bureaucrats back home. He kicks butt and takes names.

Does this guy think the Nazi planet should have stayed that way? Should they have worshipped Apollo? Let Miramane's people die? Allowed the Klingon's proxies to win on the planet of the Mugutu woman? Allow Romulans to violate the neutral zone? Stayed as playthings for Trelane? Forget Spock's Brain? Let the Gorn win? I for one think not.

James T. Kirk is what JFK liberalism was before Vietnam (although his favorite President is a Republican). This guy's dislike of it is why liberalism is weaker than it was in 1966. What liberal now would say "ye plegnista....?" Not many I warrant.

Hat tip Corner


Dave S. said...

More on Yangs and Cohms here.

"Yangs and Cohms" sounds a lot like "Hannity and Colmes." Did Roddenberry foresee the entire arc of punditry culminating in the exchange of savage gibberish? Not like it would be that hard to foresee, but not bad for the late 60s ("Your primitive late 20th century society" as Spock and his eyebrow might put it).

Mike said...

Despite all evidence to the contrary, the Gorn won.

LAM said...

JJV's thinly-veiled praise for W by reference to JTK is disturbing.

Dave S. said...

Not to mention JFK...