Monday, November 20, 2006

We’ve Completed Our First Orbit!

Potpourri for $500 completed its first year of existence last Friday at 8:20 PM, an event marked by our failure to mark it. Nevertheless, despite the demands of work, children and Leviathan (JJV, get away from the keyboard) we have managed to post an average of once every two days or so.

Hopefully CRH will remember his password and join in the intermittent fun by posting sometime within the next year. That should raise our average to once every 1.75 days at least.

Many thanks to our loyal band of readers and commenters. This tree doesn’t make much of a sound but at least somebody hears it.


jjv said...

I'll tell you this. CRH forgetting his password has no other meaning than that after long association he is finally adopting my ways.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the anniversary.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I look forward to many more random musings, pedantic posturings and other assorted delights in the coming year(s)