Thursday, May 01, 2008

He's dead Jim, unless he's Mr. Scott

From Armchair Generalist comes this useful statistical analysis of red-shirt survival rates. Of particular interest is the better odds faced by extras when there's an attractive (i.e. has pulse, somewhere) female in the vicinity. I am not sure if the odds improve as the show proceeds, although as noted below a fair number of walk-on casualties take place early on.

This also reminded me of Sigourney Weaver's great line (among many) in Galaxy Quest: "Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!"

Laura and I saw the opening of an episode the other weekend in which not one but THREE redshirts were overcome by mist in the opening scene; two died immediately and the third died aboard the Enterprise. No girls on that planet for sure, even though the name of the episode is "Obsession." Lieutenant Klein to the fragrance deck, on the double!


Anonymous said...

Speaking of Galaxy Quest, I don't know if you saw this little tidbit:


Dave S. said...

I defer to JJV on matters comicbooky so I had not seen that. Could be good but the particular set of actors really gave that life.

Did you know there is a comics store in Union Station? You work near there, do you not, JCC?

Anonymous said...

Alas, not close enough to walk to at lunchtime. I could get there (and back again), but my time supply would not permit loitering in the target zone.

I might have been able to make it, too, if it weren't for those meddling tourists!


Dave S. said...

Spot on about the tourists. When confronted by slow-moving herds of same I must resort to my private mantra: "they drive our economy they drive our economy STAND ON THE %#&^$* RIGHT they drive our economy..."

A few weekends ago I think we made it into the background of a tourist photo as we drove past the Mall. Fortunately I had the presence of mind to say "Wave!" and Laura and I turned our heads to the camera and smiled/waved. I really hope that came out.