Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Strange Maps

My appeciation for the above-linked site may be due to my fascination with maps in general, but it seems to me that the owner does a terrific job of finding truly odd maps. Some are just bad maps, some are art, weird, or political. One of my favorites is propaganda for the 3rd worst idea in American democracy.

I won't list all the other maps that I like, but I strongly recommend browsing through the blog. Don't miss the Americas in jam, the Apollo 11 moonwalk map, the Yugoslav plan for the destabilization of the U.S., and BBQ sauces of South Carolina.



Dave S. said...

This would make a nice addition to someone's blogroll. HINT.

Dave S. said...

Sorry, almost forgot. THIRD worst?

Anonymous said...

I don't know what the second worst was, but I will point out that we DID get into a land war in Asia ...


Dave S. said...

By process of elimination that leaves us with the DH.