Friday, August 08, 2008

Boldly Going Where No Spouse/SO Would Ever Think of Going

The precious reserves of spare time carefully hoarded by some of us are about to be swallowed by the release of MMO Star Trek. I actually do not count myself as vulnerable to this particular threat but certain of us may be about to significantly lower our risk of skin cancer.

Also I imagine all quadrants will be overrun by K1RKs and 5P0[Ks and such, all vying for fleeting tactical advantage while strategic goals remain unfulfilled. This, at least, was my experience playing an early version of Netrek, in which we largely eschewed the strategic goals of star system colonization in favor of parking ships alongside each other at pistol range and having at it until one ship's shields failed or, in one spectacular case, a third ship would enter the battle area at extremely high speed and destroy everything in the vicinity (including itself) via collision. Good virtual times.


jjv said...

I have vowed not to play MM games any more. Neither middle earth, nor Jedi land nor even Trek can tempt me back. Plus its probably lame Janeway space.

Anonymous said...

Having fallen deep into the clutches of a notorious MMO -- I agree with JJV's sentiments. I endorse them.