Friday, August 08, 2008

Grading Truth on a Curve

When we were in school 99% was an excellent score. Being in the 99th percentile on a standardized test meant you were stellar. Should being "99% Honest" then be just as favorable? I don't think so.

Would it be easier if we just graded the truth on a curve? Would there be a passing grade? Would we want politicians only with "A" averages or would a "C+" be acceptable? Would one get bonus points on being honest on the "big" things but not too many demerits for white lies.

Maybe there could be a committee?

So many questions. It would be easier then that speeches and campaign ads have a grading score similar to the MPAA ratings. PG, R, G or NC-17? A little box could appear on the screen or page...then if someone were too busy to watch or read, they could just look at the rating and move on to what they needed to do (like play video games or go to the spa for pedicures).

The truth eventually comes out, and those who try to hide it, fail.

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