Friday, August 08, 2008

JJV Advises Avoid Cirrhosis: Don't Drink!

Self awareness is a gift that by passes even the most gifted, even when its more than 99% true.


Anonymous said...

What is the sound of two eyes rolling?

In response to this and EMM's post and the hullabaloo over John Edwards' affair, here's my big idea: instead of feigning shock and dismay each time a politician/public figure gets caught with his (or her) pants down, let us just assume that anyone who is running for elected office either has cheated, is cheating, or will cheat. Heck, let's make it a job requirement, cause the reality is, boys and girls, pretty much anyone with ego enought to try to run for president (or governor or senator, etc.) has ego (and probably testosterone) enough to believe he can screw around and not get caught.

And the more righteous, God-fearing, holier than thou the politician or pundit, the bigger the cheater.

So can we just stop with the shock-and-awe-and-fingerpointing BS and get back to the ISSUES, people?!

jjv said...

On Edwards the thing for me is that he kept running for President. What if he had won the nomination? And then this came out? Believe me McCain's running off with Cindy is going to be a big deal as we get closer to the election, and that was 30 years ago with the mother of most of his children. The sheer arrogance and his wife's complicity that they "keep running" amazes me.

EMM said...

J - I'm not schocked, and other than the lying, really don't care. I've stated before that I don't expect politicians to be perfect and don't vote based on their personal lives.

I agree w/ you on the ego, regardless of career choice.

The Edwards' were touted as the anti-Clinton, look how much we love each other, going to Wendy's to celebrate our anniversary, we're so into each other after all this time couple. The "hullabaloo" regarding the story is just the ending to their non-existent fairy tale relationship.

I hope for the sake of their relationship, family and Mrs. Edwards' health that they are left alone to heal.

I suggest we have a cease fire on the issues, let the candidates have a vacation and enjoy the Olympics.

Congrats to US women (go lefties) fencers!!!

jjv said...

I'm actually shocked the title didn't draw more snark.

Anonymous said...

emm, I agree with the "non-existent fairy tale relationship." No relationship involving people is going to meet a standard of absolute perfection.

Even given the affair, it's just possible that the Edwards's DO love one another, and do have a positive relationship. I've known people that dealt with affairs and came out stronger for it, and I've known people whose marriage/relationships are non-monogamous and to my outsider's eyes happy, loving and healthy.

I'm not saying that I believe that the Edwards' are living either of those realities, I'm saying I don't know and therefore can't rule it out. And I do agree that we should leave them alone. Goodness knows there are more important enough going on in the world to focus on!