Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Show Me Your Tater Tots, Cindy!

Honestly, I couldn't make this stuff up, even if I tried.

Rejected blog titles:

Pimp Daddy McCain

Cindy McCain Invited to the Golden Globes

McCain Parlays Miss Buffalo Chip Crown into Lucrative Porn Career

Thank God He Didn't Volunteer to Take His Own Shirt Off



Dave S. said...

This, at long last, could be the key to restoring honor and dignity to the White House. The shameful Clinton legacy, which because of its potent shaminess has lasted far beyond its original purveoyor's departure, may now, finally, be laid to rest.

jjv said...

I think the boys at Commentary have the proper response: snobbette.


I know how unaccustomed liberals are to manly gatherings containg good hearted ribaldry but this is really reaching.

Lietzy said...

Oh, boo hoo, JJV. The liberals are really reaching to make fun of John McCain, whose advance team fed him a line about the Bison Crap Queen, but didn't bother to do any research in advance to figure out that it was a "skin to win" contest. Yeah, we liberals are really awful, pointing out not only the humor in this "good hearted ribaldry" (I'd sure hate to see Republican mean spirited ribaldry if this passes as good hearted), but also the facts that McCain is a misogynistic idiot, who thinks that topless beauty pageants are both "funny" and "manly." Maybe that's true when one is 21 and at Spring Break, but not when one is 71 and running for President.

jjv said...

I have now made Lietzy sound more censurious, puritanical and fusty than I do. My work is done here.

EMM said...

If a woman wants to show off her "humps" and "lovely lady lumps" (I just love the Black Eyed Peas, don't you?), she is well within her rights to do so. Her body, her choice.

EMM said...

Lietzy, were you as outraged by Clinton's behavior with "that woman", et al. as you are by McCain's comments? Perhaps he should not have been so cavalier, but I doubt he meant any harm to his wife.

Lietzy said...

So let me get this straight, EMM. You believe in a woman's right to choose, and yet you are voting for the anti-choice candidate, the one who is guaranteed to pack the Supreme Court with justices just like Scalia, Thomas, and Alito?

Moreover, you believe that: a) we need more outrageous Clinton-esque behavior in the White House, ergo, McCain's your man, or; b) perhaps Clinton should not have been so cavalier as to get a blowjob and lie about it, but you doubt that he meant any harm to his wife?

As for what I believe, no, guys getting blowjobs and/or guys advocating topless beauty pageants does not outrage me per se, despite what JJV says. However, I believe that Clinton was an idiot to get a blowjob and then lie about it as president. I further believe that McCain is a misogynistic idiot who pimps out his wife, and/or does not do his research as a presidential candidate.

Dave S. said...

I'm going to step very gingerly into this discussion to observe that if Obama had done something like this there would be no end of hand-wringing about the dignity of the office, family values under siege, etc. from JJV and his ilk. Of course, the word "pimp" would be bandied about (though perhaps not by JJV, to his partial credit) followed by immediate protestations of "Oh, we didn't mean it like THAT."

The GOP playbook is written at a pretty low level of sophistication, which, frankly, explains its pretty good success rate for the past several decades. Chapped lips from excessive dog-whistle-blowing is a small price to pay for electoral results.

CRH said...

I can't believe Dave S. stooped to playing the race card.

Anonymous said...

What's the point of being President of the United States if you can't get a blowjob in the Oval Office? Geez guys.

Btw, my suggestion for the title of the post is "Pimp My Wife." I'm thinking new MTV series, again starring Xzibit, but this time he helps guys "pimp" their girlfriends or wives. MTV, call me.

jjv said...

"A couple hundred thousand Berliners made a lot of noise for my opponent.
I'll take the roar of 50,000 Harleys any day."

I think this is the take away sound bite. I will say this, it helps a Republican when he appears less uptight; it hurts a Democrat when he seems unserious. Just the nature of the parties and the candidates this year, especially.

Dave S. said...

Yes, definitely the takeaway soundbite. I must have seen or heard that repeated, oh, at least, um, well... That's actually the first time I heard that. Hard to get any kind of traction against a nudie beauty contest featuring bananas.

EMM said...

I'm a registered Independent and vote on more than just my right to choose.

A future president's relationship with his wife or family is not a deciding factor in my choice for whom I'll vote for.