Tuesday, October 07, 2008

All of the People, All of the Time

One of the things that amazes me about Obama worship is the fact that the man has done nothing in the jobs he's been in. Moreover, he either fully or tacitly admits this. In his first book "Dreams of My Father." He wrote of how useless community organizing was, which is why he went to the state house. Their he got nothing done and was not a leader, that is why you don't hear a lot about his accomplishments from him. The same is true in the Senate where he simply has not lead (and I admit the Senate is not set up for a freshmen to lead).

Another thing he says in his book is that (I'm paraphrasing) people use him as a blank page upon which they write their hopes. This allows him to say different things to different people far more effectively than most politicians can. I think Obama thinks he is high minded, but ends up surrounded by extremely corrupt people and never denounces them until it threatens his own political ambitions.

Obama will not release his college, state house, or medical records. He is now lying freely about his Chicago associates (does anyone believe he did not know of Ayers and Dohrn's past?) There is something unnerving to me that in a time of crisis, a man with no accomplishments of the sort we look for in the Presidency, comfortable with anti-American rhetoric and associates, and possessed of every fashionable left-wing idea of the last twenty years may get the supreme executive power of our nation. Stunning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least now, after 44 years, his wife proud to be an American.

Dave P.