Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Look what I finally figured out...I think...

I'm always up for a challenge...Dave S. suggested today that JJV and I learn how to add video, etc. to our posts. I figured this would be funnier (and perhaps less offensive) because it is in German. Southpark always makes me laugh, and I would have picked "O Holy Night" if I still had my Christmas decorations up.

Now I'm off to find some great ABBA songs to share!!!

Note to JJV: This took me about 5 minutes to figure out...I think you'll be OK.


Dave S. said...

Never underestimate his computer anti-skills. If he were to go by the book, minutes would seem like hours.

J. said...

Personally, I look forward to JJV being able to put links in the POSTS not as the title of the post.

Well done, EMM.

Dave S. said...

JJV has done that before, but not as an embedded link. The often-enormous URLs would blow up the formatting and I would become wroth. (As someone who has never used TinyURL I must refrain from yelling "Use $@%#^% TinyURL!!!")

It is really not that hard as I believe EMM has discovered, but JJV really is a special kind of tech-challenged.

Anonymous said...

As an amusing (perhaps) aside, the German Kenny is voiced by the same actress (Sabine Bohlmann) who dubs Lisa on The German Simpsons.