Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mars Attacks! (Silent but Deadly Edition)

Scientists appear to have detected distinct bursts of methane from the surface of Mars. This is an exciting development with implications for past or present life on Mars.

Concurrent with these readings, however, were data transmissions from Spirit and Opportunity, each blaming the other.


J. said...

Or it could be the cows.

And just think of the new milk campaign if that were true! There could be a picture of Mars with a milk mustache and the tagline "Got milk?"

Or wait, the Methane Association could run an ad showing gas jetting out from the surface of Mars with the tagline "Got Methane?"

EMM said...

J - you beat me to the punch on the cow comment...was in too much of a hurry this morning to comment.

Love the new ad campaign ;)
