Sunday, February 01, 2009

A Federalist Toast-I'll Drink to That.

1798 is sometimes called "the Year of the French" in that they tried to foment an uprising in Ireland and their fetid Revolution and Regicide regime was on the march. In America, Jefferson our first limousine liberal (coach and 4 liberal?) was all for the revolutionaries who had killed the great friend to this Country, Louis XVI. John Adams had succeeded Washington and was about to be in a race against Jefferson for the Presidency. Here is the 4th of July toast of the Federalists that year (from Mathew Franc):

"John Adams. May he, like Samson, slay thousands of Frenchmen with the jawbone of Jefferson."

This is so good on so many levels I wish we had something like it today.


Lietzy said...

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

(it was either that, or "I weel defeat you, Ricky Bobby").

Dave S. said...

Door #2! Door #2!