Saturday, February 07, 2009

To the Bat wait, the Governor's Mansion...

Val Kilmer may be the next celebrity to leave Hollywood for politics . He'll follow in the footsteps of Reagan, Thompson, Grandy, Bono and Schwarzenegger.

Say he runs and wins in 2010...he'll be fully ready to run for President in 2012 or 2016. It would be more interesting if he ran with a Batman Platform. Keaton, Clooney and Bale (to rally support from Europe, naturally!) would all have a place in the White House. Add West into the mix for some "bam", "pow", and "zing" on the campaign trail.

1 comment:

J. said...

OMG. I saw that too and thought "Whaaaaa?!" Kilmer is no saint, despite playing one in the movies. Governor?! Really?! Well, if Jesse "the Body" Ventura and Arnold "the Terminator" Schwarzenegger can be governors, why not a former Batman?