Wednesday, August 19, 2009

On a More Personal Note

Today Laura and I celebrate our ninth wedding annniversary. I note with pleasure that all of the masthead except JCF was in attendance that day; CRH, in fact, served as best man, and JJV did a reading for us. (Although if JCF were as quiet then as he is in these parts, he may very well have been there. Hey-oh!)

If memory serves today is also JWT's birthday; may he spend it with friends in the Fenway bleachers, pantsless.

Today is also the anniversary of the 1991 coup attempt in the USSR. And they say August is a slow news month...


J. said...

Wishing you and Laura a very happy anniversary!

jjv said...

I posted earlier but don't see it. Congratulations.

EMM said...

It was a lovely day...your wedding, of course! A day at Fenway is also lovely, so long as you avoid the pantsless vagabonds in the bleachers.

EMM said...

Happy B-Day JWT!!!

Anonymous said...

Birthday really twas yesterday, but I'm still feeling the love.