McConnell's legacy is of course the destruction of the Senate, in the same way that Newt Gingrich's is the destruction of the House of Representatives. The Senate in particular has become merely a reactionary obstructionist roadblock for Democratic administrations and a braying rubber stamp for Russia's new best friends. I have little use for the upper chamber in any case but its current iteration is worthless for any practical purpose.
More specifically, McConnell could have voted to convict, and directed his caucus accordingly, on either or both Trump impeachments. Even out of his position as majority leader he could have used his considerable tenure to influence the Senate's vaunted advise and consent privilege. In response to a Jay Nordlinger piece in National Review lauding McConnell's "lonely" votes against nominees (what performative horseshit - the votes and the NR piece) I wrote this:
The apotheosis of Reaganism in Trump is as much on him as on anyone else. I wish the Capitol had a screen door so it would hit his sorry ass on the way out.
*I truly try to avoid wishing ill health/death on others although some people are really testing this. With regard to cognitive decline I want my enemies to be of absolutely sound mind when they go, roughly analogous to Wesley/DPR's plan as outlined to Prince Humperdinck, minus the amputations (but I am willing to listen to reason). This applies especially to those whose comfortable optimism may be wildly misplaced.
1 comment:
"I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow (though often incorrectly attributed to Mark Twain)
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