Wednesday, February 27, 2008


William F. Buckley founder of modern conservatism, the National Review and most famous conservative in the world died at his home in Sharon, Connecticut last night. He has slowly been withdrawing from the life of this world for 10 years. He gave up editorship of the National Review a decade or more ago. He stopped public speaking. He ceased to sail and sold his boat. His beloved wife Pat died last year. That still left a schedule men half his age would envy.

So many owe the man so much but on this occassion the words of Paul echo in my head at this sad news: "I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith, I have finished the race."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear JJV,

Although this was printed in, as a conservative friend of mine refers to it, "that socialist rag," aka The New York Times, I thought you would like this column by David Brooks on WFB,