Saturday, September 13, 2008

One of Them Is For Domestic Drilling!

I laughed at this headline as it pretty much says it all. Russians like their own leaders to be strong and nationalistic and our leaders to be....otherwise. On the other hand Putin was mentored in the KGB and Obama was mentored by a Stalinist sympathizer. Putin was against the collapse of the Soviet Union and Obama was against the Reaganite policies that brought it about. Putin backed the Big Red Machine. Obama was backed by the Daley Machine. Obama will meet with Chavez, Ahmendemijad and Kim Il Sung without preconditions and so will Putin!

And lets face it, being a KGB agent is like being a community organizer.....when the community has no choice!


Dave S. said...

I am always amused by the "national greatness" types soiling themselves over the opinions of foreigners. On the other hand I'm sure the Daley Machine could figure out a way to register everyone outside the US as absentee. "In Russia, vote registers YOU!"

That reminds me, as always, of a Monty Python sketch in which various people offer their opinions on what should be taxed. One smug respondent said "I would tax all foreigners living abroad." It would also have the advantage of closing the offshore corporate headquarters loophole.

Thank you for passing along the latest RNC fax.

jjv said...

Dave, as you should know, i make this stuff up before the RNC can find or think of it. Have you forgotten the "subprime six?"

Dave S. said...

Why, yes, I have.