Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Is Obama a Rebound Guy?

He could be, after Bush, who is described as a bad boyfriend.

Rebound guys are always a "good" boyfriend, they tell us what we want to hear, they're comfortable, easy to get along with and it helps if they're good looking. smart, funny and self deprecating.

Obama might just be a rebound guy and only have one term. The "bad boyfriend GOP" over the next four years will have to do some soul searching, maybe get some counseling and come back ready to compromise, be open, communicate better, put us first for a change and make us feel special.

We'll take you back...

p.s. a special thanks to JJV for the link.


J. said...


Bushes belong on the plains or burning in some desert.

If Obama goes from good boyfriend to bad husband (a common occurrence as often what makes a man good boyfriend material makes him bad husband material = spontaneity, a wild streak, boyish charm, and lack of responsibility), the cycle will just repeat itself with some other guy who reminded us of our last bad boyfriend whom we know was no good for us but miss because the good boyfriend was no fun.

EMM said...

J - nope, not looking for Bush to come back. With some serious re-grouping the GOP can make a bigger, better comeback than in '94.

Viva la revolucion!

Anonymous said...

Already soured on the Obamalution, EMM? I admire the way you've gone through the stages in about a day, and if I were the governor of NY, your phone would be ringing right now.


EMM said...

I was not a part of the Obamalution.

My refrain from being as negative about Obama as Democrats, et al were about McCain and Bush was by no means a departure of what I support or my preference for which party I'd rather see in control.

CK is officially out she must have read P4500 and realized that I wanted to be the Jr. Senator.