Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Hat Tip? Indeed.

I will admit that I am not the biggest fan of Instapundit but the power of the Instablast or whatever it is called was made manifest when this simple link to this simple post generated more hits in a weekend (from 71 countries, no less) than we get in a year. I am duly impressed and thank Prof. Reynolds for the attention.

I would like to welcome the non-regular (irregular?) readers of this blog who were attracted by the porchlight of JJV's prose. We even had a commenter use the term "Mega dittos" which I always thought was one of those myths, like Sasquatch or WMDs in Iraq. (Yes, I return my own high lobs.) However, that comment appeared at this post and I am concerned that the reader may have missed the scintillating posts in between the two, in which I bare my soul and, in an unrelated incident, EMM flashes a squirrel.


J. said...

Megadittoes Dave.

EMM said...

Crap! Now I'll be forever known as a squirrel flasher! Yay P4500 for the recognition!

Dave S. said...

Once the phrase "EMM flashes a squirrel" came to me I couldn't not use it. Genius will not be denied!

EMM said...

I was hoping "loo of death" would have caught on. "Are you having a problem with tree rats? Use your loo of death to get rid of the pesky creatures!"